November 12, 2024 Donate

Public Notices

Chelsea: Council Mtg Synopsis 4-15-24

Chelsea: Council Mtg Synopsis 4-15-24

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States

Approval of Consent Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda

Public Comments (available in person and via Zoom)


Public Hearing

Council Business

  1. Approve Power Purchase Commitment Authorization through MPPA (Manager Colburn)

MOTION Keaton SECONDED Iannelli to approve the Power Purchase Commitment Authorization and authorize the City Manager to sign. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. Grant Acceptance and Purchase of Recycling Containers for the Downtown Area and Parks (Superintendent Freeman)

MOTION Merkel SECONDED Iannelli to Authorize the City Manager to sign the grant agreement and purchase and install recycling containers and dog waste bags in Chelsea’s downtown area and parks at the cost of $6,645. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. Approve Purchase Order for Electric Department Omni-Rupter Switches (Operations Manager Stevens)

MOTION Keaton SECONDED Merkel to approve the purchase order to Irby for the purchase of Omni-Rupter switches in the amount of $45,562.50. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. Adopt at Second Reading Solar Ordinance Zoning Text Amendment (Planners Montagno & Marin)

MOTION Ruddock SECONDED Mehuron to adopt at Second Reading Solar Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. Adopt at Second Reading Approval Expiration Zoning Text Amendment (Planners Montagno & Miren)

MOTION Iannelli SECONDED Keaton to adopt at Second Reading of the Approval Expiration Zoning Text Amendment. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. Adoption of Resolution #2024-9 Resolution for Political Subdivision Comerica Bank and approval of the Trust Agreement (Director King)

MOTION Keaton SECONDED Ruddock to adopt Resolution #2024-9 a Resolution for    Political Subdivision Comerica Bank. All ayes. Motion carried.

MOTION Merkel SECONDED Morris to approve the Government Cash Investment     Fund Trust Agreement. All ayes. Motion carried.

Staff Reports

Council Reports


Approved: This is only a synopsis of the Regular City Council Meeting. The minutes in their entirety may be viewed at the Clerk’s Office at 305 S. Main Street, Chelsea, MI or online at

Respectfully submitted, Lyn Sebestyen