December 10, 2024 Donate

Public Notices

City of Chelsea: Master Plan Public Input Survey

City of Chelsea: Master Plan Public Input Survey

What is the Master Plan?

The master plan is a road map for land use, development, reinvestment, transportation, and housing to guide Chelsea from a known present to an unknown future. It directly influences decisions by Chelsea’s Planning Commission and City Council on development and redevelopment in Chelsea, infrastructure investments, and zoning.

Why do we need to update it?

The City of Chelsea last updated its master plan in 2019. In the past 5 years, much has changed in Chelsea – how we work, shop, move, and live, as well as the regional economy. The master plan needed to be brought up to date to reflect the reality and desires of the Chelsea community today, and its goals and priorities for the next 20 years.

What is this survey for?

To identify community goals for the future of the City of Chelsea. Your input will provide a better understanding of the wants and needs of Chelsea community members and will help us develop a plan that will effectively guide the city for years to come.

For more information, please visit or e-mail questions to