An application has been filed by Randolph M. Bauer, New Apostolic Church of North America for a Special Use Approval to allow for a religious institution in the T-1, Transition 1 Mixed Use Zoning District and M-52 Overlay Zoning District.
Tax Code: 06-06-13-380-031
(1645 Commerce Park Drive, Chelsea, MI 48118)
The application for a Special Land Use will be considered by the Chelsea Planning Commission on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Meeting to be held in the City Municipal Building (Council Chambers) located at 311 S. Main Street, Chelsea, MI. A Zoom link will be provided for members of the public who would like to attend remotely. Information will be posted on the City of Chelsea’s website (
Signed, written comments concerning the application will be accepted prior to the Planning Commission meeting and will be included in the meeting packet. Comments should be addressed to the Chelsea Planning Commission, 305 S Main St, Suite 100, Chelsea, MI 48118. Comments may also be emailed to
Persons requiring reasonable accommodations to disabilities in order that the hearing be accessible to them are requested to notify Chelsea Community Development Department no later than five (5) business days prior to the date of the hearing of such disability.