Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006 (the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act), as amended, notice is hereby given that the City of Dexter Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday July 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm. The public hearing will be held in City Council Chambers, located at 3515 Broad St, Dexter, MI, 48130.
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the following text amendments to the City of Dexter Zoning Ordinance:
Amend Article XI, Section 11.11, Design Standards, as follows (text to be added is underlined; strikethrough text is to be deleted):
BC. Design Standards and Guidelines.
2. Building Placement and Orientation.
a. Intent. To require building placement that provides a strong visual and functional relationship with its site, adjacent sites, and nearby thoroughfares and to ensure consistency within sites and with adjacent sites to provide distinct building groups which exhibit similar orientation, scale, and proportion.
b. Building Placement and Orientation Standards.
i. i. Buildings shall front towards and have at least one (1) pedestrian entrance facing onto the public road. Primary building entrances shall front on the public roads.
(1) The Planning Commission may permit buildings to face towards and have at least one (1) pedestrian entrance facing a side yard, provided that defined pedestrian access routes are provided between the entrance and the public sidewalk.
ii. Sidewalks shall be provided along the full length of the building along any façade featuring a public entrance.
iii. Building entries shall be located so that they are easily identifiable with convenient public access. Each project shall provide a well-defined entry sequence for pedestrian and vehicular uses from the road to the building.
iv. All additional public entrances, regardless of location, must provide direct pedestrian access of the same quality and design as that required for the main entrance.
c. Building Placement and Orientation Guidelines
i. Building placement and orientation should be coordinated with adjoining sites to take advantage of similar perimeter landscape themes, common access, or similar features.
ii. Plazas, courtyards, and public art are strongly encouraged.
iii. Where feasible, accessory facilities such as mechanical equipment, trash collection, loading areas, storage areas, and vehicle service areas shall be located away from portions of the site which are highly visible from public roads or private properties with dissimilar improvements.
The proposed ordinance amendments are available for public inspection at the City Offices, 3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130; weekdays between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but may also be viewed at
Public comment may be provided during the meeting, either in-person or virtually, submitted in writing at city offices, located at 3515 Broad Street, Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or emailed to the Office of Community Development All comments must be received no later than close of business the day of the meeting.
Anyone needing a sign language interpreter, or other assistance, must contact the City Manager, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Minutes of all meetings are available on the city website,