September 07, 2024 Donate

Dexter, Dexter Sports, Sports

Dexter’s Athletic Booster Club Launches Enthusiastic Fundraising Event to Support Student Athletes

Dexter’s Athletic Booster Club Launches Enthusiastic Fundraising Event to Support Student Athletes

The Athletic Booster Club of Dexter has announced a fun and energetic fundraising event set for February 10, named The Booster Bash. The event will take place at The Jolly Pumpkin, 7:00-10:00 pm, with food, drinks, activities, and a live and a silent auction. The central aim of the event is to gather funds to support student athletes in Dexter.

Tickets are on sale now and going fast. A silent auction is currently live online and will culminate at the bash.

Go to
for information on both.

This year’s Booster Bash has been organized by an energized Board for the Athletic Booster Club dedicated to reinvigorating the club’s presence in the Dexter community. The Board’s mission is ambitious and inclusive, focusing on ensuring that every child in Dexter has the opportunity to participate in sports with the clear message that athletics have the power to transform lives and positively influence the entire community.

Last year marked a record-breaking period for Dexter Athletics, with over 1,000 athletes representing Dexter High School and Middle Schools. But more athletes means a greater need for support.

The ABCD Board, representing 27 teams from Dexter High School and Mill Creek, has collaborated with local businesses and professional sports teams to offer an array of remarkable items for the auctions. With over 100 items valued at over $43,000, the silent auction is a focal point of the event, offering something for everyone.

Check the poster and check the link.

Let’s Go Dreads!