Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. Members present: Supervisor Bill VanRiper, Treasurer Nanette Havens, Clerk Ann Kwaske, Trustee Dale Luick. Absent: Trustee Greg McKenzie.
Motion to approve the agenda with one addition. Motion passed 4-0.
Motion to approve the consent agenda of Minutes of December 9, 2024 Regular Meeting, Payroll ($12,939.37), and Accounts Payable ($15,342.09). Motion passed 4-0.
Motion to adopt Local Governing Body Resolution for Charitable Gaming License for K9 MEDTECH of Dexter. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion to adopt Poverty Guidelines Resolution for Lima Township for the 2025 Assessment Year. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion to appoint Assessor Brian Renius to the role of Land Division Administrator. Motion passed 4-0.
Motion to re-appoint all community appointees with terms ending 2024 to their current positions with the following exceptions: Bill VanRiper appointed representative to Huron River Watershed Council, Bill VanRiper appointed alternate to Washtenaw Area Value Express, Bill VanRiper appointed representative to Western Washtenaw Regional Advisory Group, and Jennifer Evens appointed alternate to Western Washtenaw Regional Advisory Group. Motion passed 4-0.
Motion to grant a variance to David Munson on the 1:4 width to depth ratio for the proposed alternative split (drawing dated 1/13/2025), with the condition that Mr. Munson re-submit a land division application with a formal survey of the newly proposed split for Land Division approval. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion to authorize the board to engage Attorney Robert Thall and share legal costs with Sylvan Township for a joint discussion with the Sylvan Township Board of Trustees regarding the Sylvan and Lima properties south of I-94. Motion passed 3-1.
Motion to table the Fletcher Road purchase decision until the next board meeting. Motion passed 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
This is only a synopsis. After approval, the complete minutes for this and all Board meetings are available at
Ann Kwaske, Clerk