Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. Members present: Supervisor Duane Luick, Treasurer Nanette Havens, Clerk Ann Kwaske, Trustee Dale Luick, Trustee Greg McKenzie.
Motion to approve agenda. Motion passed 5-0.
Motion to approve consent agenda of Minutes of October 14, 2024 Regular Meeting, Payroll ($13,172.90), and Accounts Payable ($17,796.45). Motion passed 5-0.
Motion to table any action on the proposals from Dangerous Architects and Midwestern Consulting Inc until the board creates an overall capital facilities plan. Motion failed 2-3.
Motion to approve the proposals from Dangerous Architects for continued A/E services (dated 11/4/2024) and Midwestern Consulting Inc for additional services for final site plan (dated 10/25/2024) for the Township Hall. Motion failed 2-3.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm.
This is only a synopsis. After approval, the complete minutes for this and all Board meetings are available at