Lodi Township
Board of Appeals
Public Notice
Lodi Township Board of Appeals will meet on September 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Lodi Township Hall, 3755 Pleasant Lake Road, Ann Arbor, to review a request by Joseph Fournier 2855 W. Arbor Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, Lodi Township Parcel ID #13-01-400-008 for a variance of Lodi Township Zoning Ordinance Article 54.08.E.6.C. The request is for an addition to the home that would extend into the wetland setback of 50’.
Questions, comments, and or requests for auxiliary aids or services for individuals with disabilities should be made to the Lodi Township Offices during working hours, Monday-Thursday 9:00am – noon.
Christina Smith
Lodi Township Clerk