LYNDON TOWNSHIP – 17751 N. Territorial Road, Chelsea, MI 48118. Summary of Minutes, February 13, 2024—Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. No Public Comment. Items Approved: Agenda; Consent Agenda; Bills; Authorize the Supervisor to sign the corrected Cooperative Agreement for Urban County; Approve the Final Site Plan (FSP 24-001) to allow the construction of two new 7,500 square foot storage buildings as shown in the project plans (Attachment A); because the project meets the Site Plan Review Standards in Section 15.08 (A-P) as discussed at tonight’s meeting, as discussed at the January 25, 2024 Planning Commission meeting and in their recommendation of approval to the Township Board, as described in the Staff Report (Attachment B), and with all of the conditions of approval recommended by the Township Planning Commission as follows.
- During the final zoning and engineering inspection of the construction of the two buildings, township staff will review the originally approved landscape plan. Any required landscaping that has not survived will be replanted prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy of the new buildings.
- During the final zoning and engineering inspection of the construction of the two new buildings, township staff will review that all the lights set to be off at 11:00 and are on
motion sensors.
- Prior to issuance of a building permit for this project the applicant will receive approval from the Washtenaw County Road Commission and the Chelsea Area Fire District.
- Prior to issuance of a building permit for this project the applicant will receive approval from the Township Engineering Consultants.
Approve the purchase of AED batteries and pads for the defibrillator and to include trainings for an amount not to exceed $600. Reports were given. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Prepared by Office Manager: Janet K. Gilkey
Approved by Supervisor, Pam Byrnes Linda Reilly, Township Clerk