In November 2024, Deputies responded to 732 calls for police service in Scio Township, down from 756 the previous year, a 3% decrease. Total calls for 2024 (Jan-Nov) are 8,835, down from 9,036 for the same period last year, a 2% decrease.
Officers conducted 200 traffic stops, down from 235 last year. Eighteen citations were issued.
Notable events from the police call log include:
- Four assaults
- One sexual assault
- One home invasion
- Five larcenies
- 41 crashes
- Four medical assists
- 49 citizen assists
- 25 welfare checks
- Four mental health
- Four frauds
- 14 disorderlies
- 16 animal complaints
- Ten attempted suicides (nine at the same block address)
- Two vehicle thefts
- Three death investigations
- Two forgeries
- Nine shoplifting
- One child neglect
- Two embezzlements
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office reported the following details to Scio Township:
On November 2nd, two vehicles were stolen from the 5700 block of Le Blanc Avenue. Both vehicles were recovered a short time later in Ypsilanti. Suspects have been identified, and the incident is still under investigation.
On November 3rd, a larceny from the vehicle was reported in the 5800 block of Rollingwood Drive. There are no suspects or leads at this time.
On November 7th, a vehicle was stolen from a dealership lot on the 3900 black lot of Jackson Road. There are no suspects or leads at this time.