August 27, 2024, 7:00 pm
827 N ZEEB RD, ANN ARBOR, MI 48103
Adopted the agenda.
Approved the minutes from August 13, 2024.
Approved the Consent Agenda
Accepted the recommendations in the Control and Efficiency Vulnerability Assessment prepared by
Maner Costerisan and to develop a work plan of proposed policies with priorities and responsible
parties for Board consideration at the September 10, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.
Approved Memorandum of Understanding for services between Scio Township and the Loch Alpine
Sanitary Authority of Webster and Scio Township, for consideration by the Loch Alpine Sanitary
Authority Board.
Approved Bria Scheffer’s March 2024 proposal to implement and oversee the Van Curler Preserve
Restoration Project, including Bria’s contract not to exceed $3,000, David Borneman’s contract
not to exceed $2,975 and Michigan Wildflower Farms contract not to exceed $13,000, and
authorize expenditure for total project costs.
Approved forming an interim manager committee consisting of Trustees Knol and Kerry, Clerk
Flintoft, along with any winners of the August 2024 primary election who are willing to serve as full committee members, to draft a job and salary requirements, and bring recommendations to the Board.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Approved September 10, 2024. This is only a synopsis. The complete minutes for this and all Board meetings is available at Jessica M. Flintoft, Clerk