After much discussion, meetings, an election and input from the community, Webster Township has approved its “keeping of animals” amendment.
At a special meeting of the Webster Township Board on Jan. 15, a decision was approved to adopt an ordinance “to amend Section 2.10 of Article 2 and Section 13. 25 and 13.60 of Article 13 of Webster Township Zoning Ordinance in order to revise and update certain definitions and standards pertaining to Keeping of Animals.”
The board members who voted yes to adopting the amendment were township supervisor Mike DeAngelo, township clerk Tonie Brovont, board trustee Jeff Harms, board trustee Brant Savander and board trustee Shelly Vrsek while board trustee Dan Munzel and township treasurer John Scharf were no votes.
Under intent, the amended ordinance reads: The intent of this section is to allow for the keeping of animals in such a way that does not adversely affect the public health, safety and general and does not create a nuisance to the subject property or neighboring properties.
Under applicability, it says for “Accessory Use”: The keeping of animals is permitted as an accessory use in Agricultural (AG), Agri-Business (AB) or Rural Residential (R-1) zoning districts, subject to standards noted in this section. This section regulates the keeping of animals for solely non-commercial production purposes, including but not limited to the keeping of animals for companionship or caring purposes.
These are just two sections of the amended ordinance. There are seven pages worth of information and details.
The amended ordinance is expected to take effect on Jan. 29.
To see the full ordinance, go to
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash