January 20, 2025 Donate


The Mountain in Front of You

The Mountain in Front of You

The Mountain in Front of You

My friends, it is that time of year. School season. This is an open letter to all students, teachers, parents, and community members as the new school year is upon us.

To the Students:

While all of you are entering new grades with new teachers, some of you are moving buildings, programs, and class structures that will certainly confuse, frustrate, and cause anxiety in the school year’s early days. A piece of friendly advice, dear students. Breathe. Take a deep breath. Everything will be ok. As humans, we tend to make the obstacles in front of us into huge, unscalable mountains. Take a few deep breaths and relax. The mountains will shrink. If they still are not getting smaller, ask for help. Another challenge we humans have is to think asking for help is somehow a weakness. My young friends, just the opposite is true. It takes enormous strength to ask for help. Admitting your own limitations takes courage. Also, when you see a friend struggling, offer a hand, shoulder, or friendly text to them, young student friends. Going from middle school to high school or elementary school         to middle school can be rough for some of your friends. Be the friend you would want and make sure your tribe is managing the new year in good form.

To the Parents of Students:

Slow down a little. Kids can sense your stress. They have their own.  Be a warm blanket on a chilly night for your kiddos as they get ready for the new year. Help them find their inner peace by finding some for yourself. The world will keep spinning, no reason to freak out about the fact that the world is spinning to stress even more. I know. I really do. Keeping calm and carrying on is easier said than done. Just remember that young eyes are always watching. Help them out by being an example of calm as the school year’s early waters are rough and choppy.

To the Teachers:

First of all, thank you. Thank you for all you do. Here I hope your batteries are recharged from a nice, long summer. You know better than most how chaotic the first days and weeks of school can be. I hope you find time somewhere in your day for a few moments of peace and bliss. Don’t forget to make time for yourselves, dear teachers. Let me say that again. You all give so selflessly in the name of our children that I hope you remember to make some time for yourselves as well. Thank you.

To the Community:

Hope springs eternal, in the classroom, the football fields, the band rooms, the clubs, and the gyms as a new school season is here. We too need to remember patience as morning and afternoon traffic patterns will soon go back to the school rush hours. There will be kiddos walking and riding bikes to school. Hyper awareness dear friends. There will be young parents going through things for the first time in our communities. Please have a smile and a patient wave for them too. Conversely, there will also be parents going through their routines for the last time this year. Please don’t get mad if you see a seasoned drop off veteran taking a few extra moments to watch their kids walking into school. There are only so many chances to watch that. There will be newly minted drivers on the roads. Have patience with them too.

Summer is slowing down as fall is around the corner. Here I hope we all take a moment when we can to appreciate the changes happening and the ones to come. Best of luck to the students, student athletes, those in clubs, band, drama, and everything else school has to offer. If we all take those moments when we can, we will all be better for the good grades, wins, and yes losses that are to come. Help our young people be the best versions of themselves by showing them yours. Now get to it. The first bell is almost ready to ring.

Steve is a Dexter resident and the Owner, Chief School Supporter, and Head Community Cheerleader at Better Place Consulting, a success and career coaching organization based in Dexter. Reach out to him at steve@betterplacemgmt.com.