December 11, 2024 Donate

Public Notices

Webster Twp: Board Meeting Synopsis – 11/19/24

Webster Twp: Board Meeting Synopsis – 11/19/24

The Webster Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor John Kingsley on November 19, 2024, at the Webster Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, Dexter, MI 48130. Members present: Supervisor John Kingsley; Treasurer John Scharf; Trustees Dan Munzel, Shelly Vrsek, John Westman; Jeff Harms; Assessor Bill Sinkule; Deputy Supervisor Rick Kleinschmidt; Deputy Clerk Donna Whitney; Zoning Administrator Sri Komaragiri and 14 citizens. Clerk Tonie Brovont absent.

Motion to approve the minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting and the Board of Trustees Public Hearing both held on October 15, 2024, as presented. Carried. Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Carried. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and pay bills as presented, as well as those anticipated bills received before our next meeting scheduled for December 17, 2024. Carried. Motion to accept and file the Consent Agenda Reports as presented. Carried.

Discussion of Private Road Ordinance Draft Amendments. Agenda item for 12/17/24 meeting.

Discussion on Ethics Policy. Agenda item for future board meeting.

Discussion on generator bids. No action taken.

Motion to recommend appointing Ashley Plichta to the Compensation Commission for a term to expire 12/27. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend appointing Jeff Harms as a Board of Trustee Representative to the Planning Commission for a term to expire 12/27. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend reappointing Nicole Rouech as a Representative to the PDR Committee for a term to expire 12/26. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend appointing Jeff Harms as a Board of Trustees Representative to LASA. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend appointing as a Board Member Representatives to the Road Committee, Brant Savander for a term to expire 12/27 and Jeff Harms for a term to expire 12/26, and appointing as Resident Representatives to the Road Committee, Jeff Buchanan for a term to expire 12/25, Carey Shepard for a term to expire 12/26, James Mather for a term to expire 12/27, Dawn Evans for a term to expire 12/25, Jim Kovacik for a term to expire 12/26. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend moving Joe Peterson from ZBA alternate to ZBA full member to fill out the term vacated by Jeff Harms, to expire 12/26, and appoint Dave Daily as ZBA alternate to cover the term vacated by Joe Peterson, to expire 12/25. Confirmed.

Motion to recommend appointing Tonie Brovont as Clerk until the next general election. Confirmed.

Discussion on scheduling a Special Meeting for Keeping of Animals ordinance. Will be an agenda item at the December 17, 2024 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting.

Motion to re-number the Local Road Committee Resolution to be No. 17-24. Carried.

Motion to accept the Milligan’s Landscape Services snow plowing contract for 3 years (2024-2027) with the specifications included. Carried.

Motion to authorize Cornerstone Design Inc. to release the November 11, 2024 RFP in order to get contractor bids for the township’s Hall Renovation Project. Carried.

Motion to approve the expenditure of PDR funds, not to exceed $3250, for an appraisal on property described in application 2014-1b. Carried.

Motion to approve the expenditure of PDR funds, not to exceed $5860, to increase the Webster Township share of the conservation easement purchase price from $43,120 to $48,980 on property described in application 2021-3. Carried.

Motion to approve Washtenaw Engineering invoice #55929A from 11/7/24 in the amount of $4,250, with a request to receive a breakdown of the costs. Carried.

Motion to reduce the T&M Asphalt contract retainage by half. Carried.

Motion to decline the 10/23/24 proposal from T&M Asphalt in the amount of $2,529.01. Carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 p.m. Carried.  

Respectfully submitted, Donna Whitney, Deputy Clerk. Full minutes are available at