January 26, 2025 Donate

Public Notices

Webster Twp: Board Mtg 6-18-24

Webster Twp: Board Mtg 6-18-24

SYNOPSIS Webster Township Board Meeting, June 18, 2024, 7:00 P.M.

The Webster Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor John Kingsley on June 18, 2024, at the Webster Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, Dexter, MI 48130. Members present: Supervisor John Kingsley; Clerk Tonie Brovont; Treasurer John Scharf; Trustees Dan Munzel, Jeff Harms; Shelly Vrsek; John Westman; Deputy Supervisor Rick Kleinschmidt; Deputy Clerk Donna Whitney, and 15 citizens.
Motion to approve the minutes of the Webster Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held on May 21, 2024, as presented. Carried.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Carried.
Motion to receive the FY2024 Audit and direct the Township to send it to the State. Carried.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and pay bills as presented, as well as those anticipated bills received before our next meeting scheduled for July 16, 2024. Carried.
Motion to accept and file the Consent Agenda Reports as presented. Carried.
Motion to approve Resolution No. 12-24 to adopt the Park and Recreation Master Plan. Carried.
Motion to approve Webster Township Policy No. 6-24, Acceptable Use of Technology, as amended. Carried.
Motion to approve Webster Township Policy No. 7-24, Public Expression of Personnel, as amended. Carried. Discussion – Keeping of Animals. Input by Township Board.
Motion to accept the MHM Construction LLC lighting proposal. Carried.
Motion to approve T&M Concrete’s Seal & Cure Option #1. Carried.
Special Board Meeting – A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Monday, July 29 at 7 PM, to discuss our current private road ordinance, future revisions and potentially consider a private road request.
Motion to approve an increase for the Webster Township Property Inspector to $23/hour. Carried.
Discussion – Consideration of an Opt-Out for designated County Assessor
Motion to pay MTA Annual Dues in the amount of $7,537.54. Carried.
Appointment – Clerk Tonie Brovont announced that she has appointed Donna Whitney as her Deputy. Treasurer John Scharf announced that he has appointed Lynda Savitski as his Deputy.
Discussion – Update Board policy for attorney’s presence at ZBA meetings.
Motion to pay $250.00 to have the Dexter Historical Society provide public relations and records maintenance for Webster Township. Carried.
Motion to appoint Donna Whitney to be our WAVE representative. Carried.
Motion to pay the Huron Watershed Council membership dues in the amount of $653.10. Carried.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted, Tonie Brovont, Clerk
Full minutes are available at www.webstermi.us