The Webster Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at the Webster Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 03. 2024, to consider the following requests:
PZBA 24-005: 9618 Base Lake Road (C-03-06-200-001)
Request # 1: The applicant Jamie Schmunk is seeking approval of a dimensional variance for not meeting the minimum front yard setback of 35 ft. from northern property line per section of the Township Zoning Ordinance, for construction of a new single-family home. The property is currently owned by Walton Joanna Trust.
Request # 2: The applicant Jamie Schmunk is seeking approval of a dimensional variance per section of the Township Zoning Ordinance for not meeting the waterfront setback of 75 ft. from all waterfronts for construction of a new single-family home. The property is currently owned by Walton Joanna Trust.
Copies of the application materials and Zoning Ordinance are available at the Township Hall for review during regular business hours or by request. Written comments may be dropped off or mailed in advance to the Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, Dexter, MI 48130 or emailed to
- Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing.
- All correspondence needs to be received no later than close of business on Tuesday, December 03, 2024
- Those with disabilities must notify the Township Clerk at least seven (7) days before the meeting to allow time to arrange for any necessary accommodations to satisfy their disability and allow for meaningful attendance.
Gene Hopkins, Chairperson
Zoning Board of Appeals