December 11, 2024 Donate

Public Notices

Webster Twp: Zoning Board of Appeals Special Meeting/Public Hearing 10/30/24

Webster Twp: Zoning Board of Appeals Special Meeting/Public Hearing 10/30/24

The Webster Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Special Meeting/Public Hearings at the Webster
Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, to hear the
following requests:

  1. 3420 JENNINGS RD (C-03-12-300-020): Maggert Sean & Catherine are seeking approval for addition of
    deck to an existing legal non-conforming structure (single-family home) per sec.13.90. I. expansion and
    extension of nonconforming structure. (Application No. 24-ZBA-003)

Copies of the application materials and Zoning Ordinance are available at the Township Hall for review during
regular business hours or by request. Written comments may be dropped off or mailed in advance to the
Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, Dexter, MI 48130 or emailed to
Verbal comments may be heard at the hearing. All correspondence needs to be received no later than 3 PM on
October 30, 2024.

Those with disabilities must notify the Township Clerk at least seven (7) days before the meeting to allow time to
arrange for any necessary accommodations to satisfy their disability and allow for meaningful attendance.

    Gene Hopkins, Chairperson
    Zoning Board of Appeals