PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that as a result of Petition filed with the Township and signed by owners of
land with more than 51 percent of lineal frontage of land fronting or touching a proposed road
improvement project, York Township in conjunction with the Washtenaw County Road Commission
proposes to proceed with the proposed road improvement project and to create a special assessment
district to pay for all costs and administrative expenses of the project by a special assessment against
the properties specially benefited thereby.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the special assessment district within which the cost and
expenses of the proposed project are proposed to be specially assessed include the properties
generally identified as within York Timber Ridge Subdivision, located in York Township south of Judd
Road between Warner and Platt Roads, more particularly identified by the following parcel
identification numbers and postal addresses, and as shown on Attachment A to this Notice:
Washtenaw County Parcel ID Numbers and Property Addresses:
1 S-19-15-201-001 86 Green Valley Dr. 35 S-19-15-201-036 85 Timber Ridge Ct.
2 S-19-15-201-002 116 Green Valley Dr. 36 S-19-15-201-037 60 Timber Ridge Ct.
3 S-19-15-201-003 146 Green Valley Dr. 37 S-19-15-201-038 90 Timber Ridge Ct.
4 S-19-15-201-004 176 Green Valley Dr. 38 S-19-15-201-039 5915 Chopin St.
5 S-19-15-201-006 10130 Ridgeline Dr. 39 S-19-15-201-040 111 Green Valley Dr.
6 S-19-15-201-007 10160 Ridgeline Dr. 40 S-19-15-201-041 81 Green Valley Dr.
7 S-19-15-201-008 10190 Ridgeline Dr. 41 S-19-15-201-042 51 Green Valley Dr.
8 S-19-15-201-009 10220 Ridgeline Dr. 42 S-19-15-201-043 21 Green Valley Dr.
9 S-19-15-201-010 10250 Ridgeline Dr. 43 S-19-15-201-044 141 Green Valley Dr.
10 S-19-15-201-011 10280 Ridgeline Dr. 44 S-19-15-201-045 10150 Timber Ridge Dr.
11 S-19-15-201-012 10310 Ridgeline Dr. 45 S-19-15-201-046 10180 Timber Ridge Dr.
12 S-19-15-201-013 10340 Ridgeline Dr. 46 S-19-15-201-047 10210 Timber Ridge Dr.
13 S-19-15-201-014 10370 Ridgeline Ct. 47 S-19-15-201-048 10240 Timber Ridge Dr.
14 S-19-15-201-015 10380 Ridgeline Ct. 48 S-19-15-201-049 10270 Timber Ridge Dr.
15 S-19-15-201-016 10390 Ridgeline Ct. 49 S-19-15-201-050 10300 Timber Ridge Dr.
16 S-19-15-201-017 10400 Ridgeline Ct. 50 S-19-15-201-051 10330 Timber Ridge Dr.
17 S-19-15-201-018 10410 Ridgeline Ct. 51 S-19-15-201-052 10381 Ridgeline Dr.
18 S-19-15-201-019 10420 Ridgeline Dr. 52 S-19-15-201-053 10351 Ridgeline Dr.
19 S-19-15-201-020 10430 Ridgeline Dr. 53 S-19-15-201-054 10321 Ridgeline Dr.
20 S-19-15-201-021 10440 Ridgeline Dr. 54 S-19-15-201-055 10291 Ridgeline Dr.
21 S-19-15-201-022 10450 Ridgeline Dr. 55 S-19-15-201-056 10261 Ridgeline Dr.
22 S-19-15-201-023 10360 Timber Ridge Dr. 56 S-19-15-201-057 0231 Ridgeline Dr.
23 S-19-15-201-024 10390 Timber Ridge Dr. 57 S-19-15-201-058 0201 Ridgeline Dr.
24 S-19-15-201-025 10420 Timber Ridge Dr. 58 S-19-15-201-059 0171 Ridgeline Dr.
25 S-19-15-201-026 10450 Timber Ridge Dr. 59 S-19-15-201-060 0141 Ridgeline Dr.
26 S-19-15-201-027 10501 Timber Ridge Dr. 60 S-19-15-201-061 0111 Ridgeline Dr.
27 S-19-15-201-028 10471 Timber Ridge Dr. 61 S-19-15-201-062 30 Timber Ridge Ct.
28 S-19-15-201-029 10441 Timber Ridge Dr 62 S-19-15-200-011 201 Judd Rd
29 S-19-15-201-030 10411 Timber Ridge Dr. 63 S-19-15-200-010 193 Judd Rd
30 S-19-15-201-031 10381 Timber Ridge Dr. 64 S-19-15-200-002 47 Judd Rd
31 8-19-15-201-032 10351 Timber Ridge Dr. 65 S-19-15-200-001 51 W Judd Rd
32 S-19-15-201-033 10321 Timber Ridge Dr. 66 S-19-15-100-008 43 W Judd Rd
33 S-19-15-201-034 10291 Timber Ridge Dr. 67 S-19-15-100-007 39 W Judd Rd
34 S-19-15-201-035 10261 Timber Ridge Dr. 68 S-19-15-200-015 10002 Meadow Ridge Dr.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the York Township Board has reviewed the petition and the
proposed road improvement project and tentatively found that the petition is in compliance with statutory
requirements. The project plan, a statement of estimated cost of the project in the amount of $780,000,
and the location of the project, including a description of the proposed special assessment district to pay
for the project, are on file with the Township Clerk and may be examined at the office of the Township
Clerk from the date of this notice until and including the date of public hearing. The Board has tentatively
declared its intent to approve the proposed project and to create the proposed special assessment
district to pay for the project.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a public hearing on the proposed project plan, estimated cost
of the project, the petition, and the proposed special assessment district to pay for the project will be
held at a special meeting of the York Township Board in the Township Halll, 11560 Stony Creek Road,
Milan, Michigan 48160, on February 11 th , 2025, at 6:30 p.m. At the public hearing, the Township
Board will consider any written support, objections and comments and any objections or comments
raised during the public hearing. Upon hearing public comment, the Board may revise, correct, amend
or change the plans, estimate of costs or the proposed special assessment district.
If after the public hearing the Township Board determines to create the special assessment district, a
second public hearing will be set to consider the amount to be levied against benefited properties
within the special assessment district. Appearance and protest at that public hearing is required to
appeal the amount of the special assessment to the State Tax Tribunal. An owner or party in interest,
or his or her agent, may appear in person at the hearing to protest the special assessment, or shall be
permitted to file his or her appearance or protest by letter received at or before that public hearing.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all interested persons whether for or against the proposed special
assessment district are invited to be present at the aforesaid time and place and to submit comments
concerning any of the foregoing. The York Township Clerk will provide necessary and reasonable
auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed
material being considered at the hearing, to individuals with disabilities at the hearing upon four (4)
days’ notice to the Township Clerk. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services
should contact the Township Clerk at the address or telephone number listed below.
Dated: _ _______________________
York Township Clerk: Kayleigh Zupi
Address: 11560 Stony Creek Road
Milan, MI 48160
Telephone: (734) 439-8842