Chelsea firefighters get pay increases in new contract


The Chelsea Firefighters, Local 1889, have a new contract.

After some negotiations, a new contract was completed near the end of January. The Sun Times News followed up with Chelsea Area Fire Authority Fire Chief Robert Arbini to learn more.

Arbini said it is a four-year contract that expires on Dec. 31, 2027.

He said Local 1889 received raises of 15 percent in year one, 5 percent in year two, 4.75 percent in year three, 4.5 percent in year four. This contract is for the 12 full-time firefighters and the two paid-on-call firefighters that the Chelsea Area Fire Authority (CAFA) employs.

CAFA provides fire, rescue, hazardous materials operations and basic life support transporting services to the people of city of Chelsea and the townships of Lima, Lyndon and Sylvan.

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