Public Notices and Press Releases

Dexter: Public Hearing 5-13-24 on Final Site Plan for Pelham Condominiums




Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006 (the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act), as amended, notice is hereby given that the City of Dexter City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 7:00 pm. The public hearing will be held in City Council Chambers, located at 3515 Broad St, Dexter, MI, 48130.

The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an affirmative recommendation from the City of Dexter Planning Commission regarding the Final Site Plan for The Pelham Condominiums, a 28 unit multiple-family planned unit development, located at 8180 Main Street (08-03-31-474-010).

The subject site is zoned VC, Village Commercial. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Any land use or mix of land uses that are authorized in the City of Dexter Zoning Ordinance may be considered for a PUD.

Legal Description of 8180 Main Street (08-03-31-474-010):

ANNEXED 02/24/2017 COM AT S 1/4 COR SEC 31, TH S 87-38-16 W 117.80 FT TO A POB, TH 439.15 FT ALNG ARC OF CURV-RT-RAD 2956.46 FT - CH N 65-30-07 E 438.75 FT TO PT " A ", TH CONT NE'LY ALNG RR R/W 15 FT +/- TO THREAD OF MILL CREEK, TH SW'LY ALNG THREAD 190 FT +/- TO S/LN OF SEC 31, TH CONT ALNG THREAD SW'LY 253 FT +/-, TH N 56-37-26 W 27 FT +/- TO PT " B " WHICH LIES S 27-21-04 W 190.35 FT AND S 27-21-04 W 231.01 FT FROM PT " A ', TH N 56-37-26 W 14.15 FT, TH N 56-49-13 W 288.45 FT, TH 54.55 FT ALNG ARC OF CURV-RT-RAD 2956.46 FT - CH N 60-43-05 E 54.55 FT TOTHE POB. PT OF S 1/2 SEC 31, T1S-R5E AND PT OF NW 1/4 SEC 6, T2S-R5E. 1.57 AC. COMBINED ON 03/08/2017 FROM H -08-06-200-001, C -03-31-300-005;

Copies of the plans and application are available for public inspection at the City Offices, 3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130; weekdays between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but may also be viewed on the City’s website:

Public comment may be provided during the meeting; submitted in writing at city offices, located at 3515 Broad Street, Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; or emailed to the Office of Community Development All comments must be received no later than close of business the day of the meeting.

Anyone needing a sign language interpreter, or other assistance, must contact the City Manager, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Minutes of all meetings are available on the city website,

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