Webster Twp: Board Mtg Synopsis 4-16-24
Webster Township Board Meeting - April 16, 2024, 7:00 P.M.
The Webster Township Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor John Kingsley on April 16, 2024, at the Webster Township Hall, 5665 Webster Church Road, Dexter, MI 48130. Members present: Supervisor John Kingsley; Clerk Barbara Calleja; Treasurer John Scharf; Trustees Dan Munzel, Jeff Harms; Shelly Vrsek; John Westman; Deputy Supervisor Rick Kleinschmidt; Deputy Clerk Donna Whitney, and 15 citizens.
Motion to approve the minutes of the Webster Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing held on March 19, 2024 in addition to the April 3, 2024 Special Meeting, as amended. Carried.
Motion to approve the agenda as presented. Carried.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and pay bills as presented, as well as those anticipated bills received before our next meeting scheduled for May 21, 2024. Kingsley mentioned 2 additional anticipated bills. Carried.
Motion to accept and file the Consent Agenda Reports as presented. Carried.
Motion to authorize Supervisor Kingsley to enter into an agreement with the Washtenaw County Road Commission for the following proposed 2024 local road projects: Joy Road (Jennings Road to the Pavement), Farrell Road (Webster Church Road to Jennings Road), and Farrell Road (Webster Church Road to Zeeb Road) for an estimated total of $453,000 with a budget amendment to accommodate it. Carried.
Discussion on draft Social Media Draft Policy.
Motion to approve the Event Permit for the Webster Township Historical Society for a Bluegrass Jamboree to be held on August 3, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., provided the fire department signs off on the food truck inspection. No rain date scheduled. Carried.
Motion to approve the Event Permit for the St. Joseph Parish Summer Festival scheduled for July 12 - July 14, 2024. No rain date scheduled. Carried.
Motion to delay entering into the April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025 contract agreement to pay $80,000 to the Dexter Senior Center until we receive an analysis of how they will be servicing our constituents and how it relates to our overall payment, as well as documentation as to how our money is going to be spent. Friendly amendment by Munzel to revise the contract to include a signature block. Carried.
Discussion on Dexter Senior Center invoice.
Motion to approve the WAVE invoice in the amount of $22,900 for WAVE bus service from April 24, 2024 – March 15, 2025. Carried.
Motion to approve a budget amendment from line item 101-966-995.401, Operating Transfer out to CIP Fund, in the amount of $600,000. Carried.
Motion to approve a budget amendment to line item 401-265-930.001, Parking Lot and Grounds Maintenance, from 450,000 to $842,000. Carried.
Motion to approve the renewal of the MTA Premium Pass which expires on April 30, 2024, at the rate of $1900. Carried.
Discussion on building repair quotes.
Motion to approve a PDR Newsletter insert to go into the Summer 2024 Tax Bills at a cost of $820.68, coming from the PDR budget, with no additional postage cost. Carried.
Motion to submit the proposed PDR millage renewal document as amended, for legal review, for placement on the August 6, 2024 Primary Election ballot. Carried.
Motion to adopt Resolution 08-24 to authorize the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer to bank with Huntington Bank, as presented. Carried.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Calleja, Clerk
Full minutes are available at www.webstermi.us