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Building Improvements are happening at Dexter Community Schools

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Building Improvements are happening at Dexter Community Schools

This summer has seen a variety of work being done at buildings around Dexter Community Schools.

From Mill Creek to Wylie and the high school, a lot of great improvements are happening. To learn more about these projects, the Sun Times News caught up with Craig McCalla, DCS’s Principal for Operations.

McCalla said the projects are going well and the majority of them are following all timelines established. 

“This summer we renovated the DHS media center, installed new windows at Creekside, installed new doors in DHS and Mill Creek, updated our Building Automation System in Wylie and Creekside, updated the DHS fire suppression system, created small group learning spaces at DHS, we put new rooftop units onto Creekside, and completed the installation of the Solar Walkway and Solar Array,” McCalla said.

When answering the question, what are the big projects, McCalla said, “All of the projects are big in their purpose and need for the district.”

As far as what’s not completed just yet, McCalla said, “We are still working on completing the mechanical upgrades at the Wylie pool, finishing installing the new chiller at Mill Creek, and we are starting the Building Automation System update at Dexter High School.”

STN asked if there was anything the community should know about the overall work.

“DCS is excited about the new learning spaces at Dexter High School, our environmentally sustainable solar walkway and solar array, and using the remaining monies from the 2017 School Bond to keep our facilities running efficiently,” McCalla said. “The community’s support is an integral part of helping Dexter Schools fulfill our vision of Champion Learning – Develop, Educate, and Inspire!”