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Dexter, Dexter Government, Michigan

Natural Gas system upgrades taking place in Dexter

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Natural Gas system upgrades taking place in Dexter

Dexter residents have probably seen the work around town involving DTE and Corby Energy Services.

Elise Rowin, spokesperson for DTE Energy, said “DTE Energy and its contractor, Corby Energy Services, are working in Dexter now on natural gas system upgrades to help ensure continued safe, reliable and more environmentally friendly natural gas delivery.”

“The work is part of the state-wide Gas Renewal Program (GRP) in which crews are replacing cast iron and steel natural gas main (pipes) with longer-lasting, more efficient polyethylene (plastic) materials,” Rowin said.

In addition, Rowin said, “Crews also are moving indoor gas meters outside of homes and businesses for customers’ convenience and safety. Outdoor meters give technicians easier access so they can perform more frequent safety checks and maintenance – without having to enter a property. Also, in an emergency inside the home, gas can be shut off from outside to allow first responders to safely enter the property and perform their work.”

As far as what residents/customers can expect, Rowin said those interested can always check the interactive map to find out if work is scheduled at their property, but here’s a look at the construction status as of May 3.

Forest St. — Installation of new main lines and meter moves, which are currently underway on Forest St., will be completed by the end of this week.

Ann Arbor St. — Main installation and meter moves on Ann Arbor St. have begun and are expected to run through late May.

Hudson St. – Work on Hudson St. between Baker Rd. and Forest St. also is underway.

Rowin said “Crews also will perform more than 100 additional meter moves throughout the area. If a property needs a meter move, a crew member will knock to request access. If they don’t get an answer, they will leave a doorhanger with a phone number the customer can call to schedule an appointment.”

All of this construction work in Dexter is scheduled for completion by the end of July.

“After gas lines are installed and/or meters are moved, repairs will be made to affected driveways, sidewalks and lawns within 30 days of completion of work in the area,” Rowin said.

Of the overall upgrades, Rowin said, “When all of the program’s upgrades are completed, they will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 500,000 metric tons on an annual basis – an amount equivalent to taking 100,000 cars off the road.”

Customers affected by upgrade work will receive a mailed brochure with information about the construction process and timeline. They also will receive a reminder postcard, door hangers and other communications.

More information about the program is available at System Improvements | DTE Energy and customers can check out interactive map at Natural Gas System Improvements Map | DTE Energy to find out if work is scheduled at their property.