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Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County Celebrates Twenty Years

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Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County Celebrates Twenty Years

Community News

Chelsea Baha’is will help celebrate a dream come true. The first Baha’i Center in Washtenaw County will turn 20 this year. A special program of musical entertainment, devotions, and memories is planned for Saturday, August 24th. David Douglas, treasurer of the Regional Baha’i Council of the Midwestern States, will give the keynote address: Dawning Places of a New Civilization.

Baha’is have lived in Washtenaw County for over 100 years and in Chelsea for almost 60 years. However, it wasn’t until ten acres of wooded land in Ypsilanti Township was donated in 1995 that a permanent building became a possibility. The Baha’i Center is now an active spot for worship, study, and community support.

The Baha’i Faith is the newest of the world’s great religions, and its followers represent every nationality, ethnic and religious background. Basic teachings are that there is only one God and all religion comes from this same source, there is only one human family, and that world peace is not only possible but inevitable.

The 20th Anniversary Celebration will be held at the Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County on Saturday, August 24 from 4:00 to 8:00 PM.