The Chelsea Senior Center will be hosting tax assistance meetings by appointment beginning January 15.
Appointments are required and will be on Thursdays 2/13 – 4/10 at 9:30, 11:30 and 1:30. The service plans to focus on those age 50+ and low to moderate income tax-payers, and will help prepare simple returns, not business with employees or farm income. Federal, State, Home Property Tax and Home Heating Credits can be done here.
If this is a joint return, both spouses must be present.
If you need a 2023 return done also, you must make two appointments back-to-back.
Required for your appointment:
- Bring Driver’s License or State ID for each taxpayer
- Bring Social Security cards for all names on the tax return
- Bring ALL Tax Documents: W-2, Social Security, 1099’s for pensions and non-employee income, interest, lottery winnings, brokerage statements, and any others you may have
- Bring your Tax Return from Tax Year 2023
- Bring your tax bills from Summer AND Winter 2024/or rent statement
- Bring a copy of this year’s Auto Insurance Bill Detail which might save you a few dollars
- Bring a check from your bank if you want a Direct Deposit of any refund
Before your appointment, you will receive a packet of information from the Chelsea Senior Center to remind you of your appointment. That packet will have a form which MUST be completed before you come to your appointment.
The other locations are the Saline Senior Center on Mondays 2/3-4/7; KMS Building Weds 2/5-4/9; Turner Building Fri 2/5-4/9.