September 10, 2024 Donate

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Chelsea High School has a New Principal

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Chelsea High School has a New Principal

After a selection process that included 24 applicants and 13 interviews, the Chelsea School District (CSD) Board of Education approved the recommendation to have Amanda Clor become the next Principal of Chelsea High School.

With the start of the school year just weeks away, the school board approved this important hire at its Aug. 5 meeting.

Clor has been serving as the Principal of Fitzgerald High School in Warren. Her work experience includes being the Principal of Chatterton Middle School, also in Warren. She takes over for the departed Nick Angel, who is now the superintendent of Grass Lake Community Schools.

Michael Kapolka, CSD Superintendent, said in his recommendation to the school board, “References for Amanda spoke very positively about her. She knows the high school pedagogy and delivery. She is passionate about student learning and support. Her references also spoke about her as a relational leading in the fact that she buildings meaningful bonds with stakeholders. Her students knew she cared about them and their well-being.”

photo: Amanda Clor. courtesy of CSD

“Amanda comes to Chelsea with over a decade worth of experience as a secondary administrator,” Kapolka told the Sun Times News. “During her tenure at Warren Fitzgerald High School, she has served in the capacity as a high school, principal, middle school principal and assistant principal. Her depth of experience, as well as her ability to build authentic and meaningful relationships with her students, staff and community members, set her apart in our hiring process.”

Clor’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Eastern Michigan University and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership from Madonna University.

Of the selection process, Kapolka said 24 applicants applied for the position while 13 of them were selected for a screening interview. Five candidates were selected for a panel interview. There were 3 panels consisting of administrators, teachers, support staff, students and parents.

“We are excited for Amanda to join the Chelsea School District family and specifically our team at Chelsea High School,” Kapolka said.