In August 2024, Officers responded to 361 calls for police service in the City of Chelsea, down from 553 the previous year, a 35% decrease. Total calls for 2024 (Jan-Aug) are 2,873, down from 3,525 for the same period last year, a 19% drop.
Officers conducted 83 traffic stops, down from 240 last year. Eighteen citations were issued.
Notable events from the August report include:
- One assault
- One arson
- One extortion
- One B&E
- Four thefts
- One vehicle theft
- Three frauds
- 12 crashes
- One OUI
- 95 Misc complaints
- 171 non-criminal complaints
Of Chelsea Police Department’s 73 cases:
- 35 are open
- 21 are at the prosecutor’s office
- 17 were closed
During the discussion at the September 16th City Council meeting, Mayor Jane Pacheco highlighted that, during her attendance at the Michigan Municipal League conference last week, many municipalities are still facing challenges in fully staffing their police departments. She noted that Chelsea is an exception, as the city has successfully staffed its department, commending the team for their efforts.