Every year, the Dexter Heritage Guild helps kick off the holiday season in Dexter with its Holiday Bazaar at the Dexter Area Museum. This year it is on December 7th. A popular part of the Bazaar is the bake sale, where shoppers can purchase homemade cookies, bread, home-canned goods like jam, fudge, pies, snack items, and plates with a variety of items.
Donations should be labeled with the item’s name and any ingredients that may be common allergens (eg, dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat), and wrapped in clear plastic wrap or storage bags. Bring the donations to the Dexter Area Museum, 3443 Inverness St., on Friday December 6th, from 8:30-3:00. Please respond to this email at dexmuseum@aol.com or call 734-426-2519 if you are interested in participating. If you need to make an alternate arrangement for drop-off, please call Sue at 313-318-2116. This is the major fundraiser that supports the Dexter Area Museum and all contributions are appreciated.