The City of Dexter’s Planning Commission is actively working on an amendment to the city’s Master Plan, focusing on increasing and improving housing options. Recognizing the limited availability and affordability of single-family detached homes, the city aims to diversify housing options to better meet its current and future needs.
To gather input and foster community involvement, Dexter will hold a series of focused and interactive public workshops. The workshops will allow residents to study the current Master Plan and help the city assess its ‘housing readiness.’ The goal is to identify opportunities for improvement and determine if adjustments to the Master Plan or the new zoning ordinance, adopted in 2019 and 2023 respectively, are necessary to better support the city’s housing objectives.
These workshops are funded by a $50,000 grant from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). According to the city’s Planning Manager Michelle Aniol, “The MSHDA Housing Readiness Grant gives us an opportunity to engage with residents, business and property owners, and community stakeholders and get their help in shaping a vision for providing a variety of housing opportunities in the City.”
3045 Broad Street
The first workshop, scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday, June 11th at the Dexter District Library, will focus on the redevelopment of 3045 Broad Street, which is a prime location in downtown Dexter, encompassing nearly three acres adjacent to Mill Creek Park. Aniol said, “When the DDA purchased the different parcels they did so with the intent to provide higher density, mixed-use residential and commercial development in that area.”
“There are people that want it to all be a park. The DDA did not purchase the properties with the intent of making it a park. They had very clear goals for what they expected the return on investment would be.” She continued, “So while we want to hear from people, if all they want is a park, we are happy to hear them, but we need them to understand that 3045 Broad Street is not going to be a park.”
She also noted that a crucial aspect of its redevelopment will be maintaining and complementing the park and its pathway, so as not to limit who can enjoy the area. “We don’t want residential units fronting directly onto the park. We’re cognizant that the park should not be somebody’s front or back yard.”
The second and third workshops are not yet scheduled but Aniol says one will focus on the Second Street Corridor and the other will be used to discuss, “the expansion beyond our boundaries and what people want, don’t want, like, and dislike…what are the parameters for considering an expansion of our boundaries.”
For more information on the workshop schedule and how to participate contact Community Development Manager Michelle Aniol at