At its November 18, 2024, meeting, the Saline City Council unanimously approved awarding the bid for a fire service assessment to the Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM) at a cost not to exceed $68,470. This decision follows a selection process and supports the city’s commitment to regularly reviewing its municipal services for operational efficiency and fiscal responsibility.
City Manager Colleen O’Toole explained the purpose of the assessment during the meeting. “It has become a standard practice of the city to periodically assess our entire strategic services. We’ve done this in the past with dispatch services. It was identified during our strategic planning process that we wanted to form this type of assessment with our fire services,” O’Toole said. “There was a significant difference in experience and qualification as well as cost for the three consultants, and it was a unanimous decision of that selection committee to work with CPSM.”
The assessment will include a detailed review of Saline’s current fire service operations and potential alternatives, with the aim of ensuring financial appropriateness and operational effectiveness. The project will kick off immediately, focusing initially on data collection, with stakeholder engagement planned for January. A final report is expected by May 2025, providing timely insights for the city’s budgeting process.
Mayor Pro Tem Janet Dillon also emphasized the thoroughness of CPSM’s approach, saying, “I was very impressed… they had direct experience with every type of situation in which we discussed, and so I think that’s why I felt very confident that they were the right selection.”
The decision aligns with Saline’s decade-long practice of employing independent, external reviews for various services, noted Mayor Brian Marl: “I think it’s indicative of an organization that’s progressive and forward-thinking to routinely look at its services and operations to see if there are opportunities for improved efficiencies and cost savings.”