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September Adult Learners Institute Classes (More to Come)

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September Adult Learners Institute Classes (More to Come)

Community News

So full of interesting classes is ALI’s September schedule that a brief description of them has to be divided into two installments. Classes for the first half of the month are these:

On Thursday, September 5, Catherine Ellis, Alma Muxlow, and Bob Elkins, who have been making music together for the last seven years, are offering Music to Restore and Relax at the Chelsea Senior Center. Their acoustic music is interspersed with techniques developed from recent research that are designed to decrease anxiety and restore a sense of calm. Besides being skilled musicians, they each have experience in the areas of counseling and mental health.

In his In-Person class Trauma: Problems of Daily Living, on Friday, September 6, at the Chelsea Senior Center, Dr, Daniel Price will show that, while the right side of our brains deals with emotions and the left deals with memory, the right side often doesn’t know what the left side is doing. That can make us miserable but Dr. Price will show us how to connect the two and turn negatives into positives.

Although she admits that she doesn’t always remember to wear her bifocals, Grandma swears that it was Billy Bob she saw robbing the candy store. So can her testimony be trusted when Billy Bob appears before the judge? What kind of testimony can be trusted in criminal cases? As a criminal lawyer, Peter Van Hoek has had to ponder just what kinds of evidence really are admissible in court. He shares those insights in his Eyewitness Identification class on Tuesday, September 10, at the Cedars of Dexter – when you may find out if Billy Bob goes to jail or not.

September means…football!  But it’s hard to get excited about a team’s first down if you don’t know a first down from a touchdown or the difference between a tailback, a halfback and a quarterback? Paul Schuler’s In-Person and Zoom class on Friday, September 13, How to Watch Football at the Chelsea Senior Center, has been designed for people who want to know what all the fuss is about. Mr. Schudel has been coaching the game for forty-eight years at various colleges, including the University of Michigan. However, if one attends the class, maize and blue attire is not required.

Dementia is a cruel disease. The worst part is the knowledge that there is, as of now, no cure, no hope of recovery. However, in this FREE In-Person class at the Chelsea Senior Center on Monday, September 16, Katie Garvey, who has helped design and implement a community-based program for loved ones with chronic health conditions, and Jim Mangi, who has been a caregiver for his wife for sixteen years and counting, will discuss ways to make things easier for those with the disease and those who care for them.  

Information on ALI’s stimulating Fall classes in the second half of September will appear in next week’s issue of the Sun Times.

The paper catalog with more information on all of ALI’s Fall term classes, as well as the enclosed registration form, is available at local libraries and numerous other locations throughout the Five Healthy Towns area. Mail completed paper registration forms to Adult Learners Institute, P.O. Box 134, Chelsea, MI 48118.  

The catalog is also available for download on the website at www.ALIMichigan.org. Online registration is strongly encouraged and is quite easy to use.  

If you have questions, please call the office at (734) 292-5540 or visit the ALI website.