January 16, 2025 Donate

Chelsea, Dexter, Milan, Saline

Thought for the Day: Seeds & Weeds

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Thought for the Day: Seeds & Weeds

Photo by Marina De Salis on Unsplash

There’s a well-known phrase in neuroscience: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” This means that the more we engage in a particular activity, the stronger the neural pathways supporting that activity become. For example, if you regularly practice writing, woodworking, or playing the guitar, these actions become more automatic over time, requiring less thought and energy.

This principle doesn’t just apply to learning new skills. It also affects our emotional habits. Whether we’re working to let go of past regrets or striving to remain calm in stressful situations, our brain’s wiring reinforces these patterns the more we engage in them.

But there’s more to forming new habits than just building neural connections. According to neuroscience, it’s equally important to phase out old habits—think of it as spring cleaning your brain to make space for new routines. This process, known as “synaptic pruning,” helps clear out outdated behaviors and beliefs.

Imagine your old, unwanted habits as overgrown plants and the new habits you’re trying to cultivate as seeds. By focusing your attention and energy on the seeds, you’re nurturing them to grow while letting the old plants wither away. As William Wordsworth said, “The mind is a garden. Our thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.”