For the past four months the Chelsea School District has been going through its own Security Audit. The results of this were presented to the Board of Education at its Jan. 13 meeting.
CSD Superintendent Mike Kapolka said the process for this has been going on for the past four months. He said the audit and its report were put together by staff members Doug Whitsel, Director of Safety & Security, Ross Potgiesser – Director of Operations and Ryan Spencer – Director of Technology.
The Process
Whitsel was hired in this new role earlier this school year. He began the team presentation at the meeting by emphasizing that visiting each building and getting to know them inside and out, talking with staff and doing walk-throughs played a big part in their findings.
The report detailed the process that included initial walk-throughs and making observations and hearing the concerns from staff; researching the equipment, procedures and practices; reviewing the prior security audit and Emergency Operations Plan; visiting and making connections and meeting some nearby districts and professionals in school safety; conducting assessments as a team and walking through each building and compiling a working list for improvements.
What’s Been Done
A big part of the report also detailed what the district has already put in place to address safety and security. Among a list of things, the district has updated is its Security Camera system, installed Omnilert Gun Detection Software, replaced Door Intercom System, put in place Securly Aware & Securly On-Call to help monitors student’s online activity and flags anything concerning and then notifies building admin, several central office admin, and Dir. of Safety & Security.
They said the district has also made Health and Safety a Strategic Goal and has a great working relationship with the local first responders.
These are just a few of the things that have been done.
The report said the priorities moving forward are: Internal, External and Communications.
With Internal, the district could look to things such as Classroom Door Locks, Window Coverings, Evacuation Signage, Interior/Exterior Placards, Secure Vestibules and Door Intercom Systems.
With External, the district could look to things such as Door/Window Film, Key Lockboxes, Propped Door Alarms, Additional Security Cameras and Generators.
And with Communications, the district could look to things such as District Radio System, Visitor Management System, CPD (Chelsea Police Department) and CAFA (Chelsea Area Fire Authority) Trainings, Automated Emergency Response messages, Student Ridership Tracking on School Buses and Standard Response Protocol & Standard Reunification Method.
The report concluded by saying “students and staff are safe!” But improvements can be made both physically and with policy change, and small steps can make big changes.
There is much more to the report and it might important for school district families to review it and see the school board presentation, which can be watched at
Photo: One of the Security Audit Presentation Slides.