Art created by students in Dexter Community Schools will again be part of the Michigan Art Education Association Region 3 Art Show.

Every school in DCS, from Anchor and Beacon to Wylie, Creekside, Mill Creek and the high school, will have students participating in the show. It will be open to the public starting Saturday, Jan. 25th to Friday, Feb. 28th.

In explaining the show, Krickett Chamberlain, an art teacher at DHS, said every winter, Michigan Art Teachers who are members of the Michigan Art Education Association get the opportunity to showcase their students work in different juried Region Shows. Regions are a group of surrounding counties making up a total of 18 Regions across lower and upper Michigan. Dexter’s Region is Region 3 and is Washtenaw, Jackson, Monroe and Lenawee Counties.

After the Region Shows have been juried, Chamberlain said selected pieces move onto a State Level Adjudication process and a statewide show.
Teachers can choose 5 Artworks per level (Elementary K-5, Middle 6-8 and High School 9-12).

This year the Region 3 Show will be at the Gallery at Washtenaw Community College.
– 4800 E. Huron River Dr. Ann Arbor
– Located in the Morris Lawrence Building
The show will be hung for the public to view from Saturday January 25th – Friday February 28th,during normal gallery hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Fri 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Sat 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
A Closing Reception with refreshments and awards will be held on Friday February 28th from 5-7 p.m.

Here are some photos of student artwork and credits courtesy of Dexter Community Schools
Photo 1: Willem Kraft – 5th grade, warm/cool, sun/moon, colored pencils/crayon
Photo 2: Brendan Wiese – 5th grade, digital art inspired by Sonia Delaunay
Photo 3: Maya Segev – 10th Grade – Fauvism Self Portrait w/ acrylic on canvas board
Photo 4: Cameron Enyedy – 11th Grade – Graphic Design Sports Poster
Photo 5: Claire Reyes – 6th grade, symmetrical mansion, oil pastels, markers
Photo 6: Liliana Thursam – 6th grade, “I am” digital mosaic