February 13, 2025

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Voters in Dexter Community Schools: Mark Your Calendars

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Voters in Dexter Community Schools: Mark Your Calendars

Voters in Dexter Community Schools will have a big question on their ballots this spring, now that the DCS Board of Education approved the application to place the $241.8 million bond proposal before voters.

In a message to the community sent out on Jan. 31, DCS Superintendent Chris Timmis said “On Monday, January 27th, the Dexter Community Schools Board of Education approved an application to place a $241.8 million bond proposal on the ballot that local residents will have the opportunity to vote on Tuesday, May 6, 2025. The proposal has an estimated ZERO INCREASE over the current debt millage rate.”

The school district has scheduled a series of bond information forums and community conversations to help voters better understand what they will be voting on.

In his update letter, Timmis said the proposal, if approved by voters, would help pay for a variety of projects. He said, “Dexter Community Schools has a long history of maintaining our buildings and taxpayer resources while evolving to meet the changing needs of our students and greater community.”

He said the scope of the proposal was developed through a nearly year-long facility study process that included analysis of nearly 1,000,000 sq feet of indoor space, 1,400 rooms, and the entire 360+ acre DCS campus. A bond steering committee composed of community members created the final recommendation after 300+ hours of study.

“The goals/benefits of this bond proposal are:

● Develop age-appropriate academic “campuses” to enhance collaborative opportunities and safety; and provide common start times for Young 5 through 6th grade students.

● Continue infrastructure, safety, and security upgrades throughout the district.

● Enhance the Dexter Community Schools student experience through upgrades to our learning environments, supporting current and future teaching and learning practices.

● Upgrade outdoor spaces and amenities for learning, play, athletics, and arts, designed for student and community use.”

DCS has a slideshow history of the school district and the evolution of overall the campus at https://www.dexterschools.org/2025-bond/evolution-of-dcs.

There’s also a detailed FAQ available on its website at: https://www.dexterschools.org/2025-bond.

Timmis said they will share additional information regarding the May 6, 2025 bond proposal as it becomes available and they look forward to the continued partnership with the community. If anyone has questions at any point throughout the planning process, he said to contact him.

Photo 1: A slide from the DCS slide show detailing the evolution of the campus.

Photo 2: The schedule of forums. Courtesy of DCS