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Scio Township Gets Some Help with its Jackson Corridor Complete Streets, Safety Study and Implementation Plan

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Scio Township Gets Some Help with its Jackson Corridor Complete Streets, Safety Study and Implementation Plan

With some help from a planning assistance grant, Scio Township is moving forward with a project for the Jackson Road corridor.

The township board was awarded a grant from the organization, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). At its July 23 meeting, the Scio board accepted the SEMCOG planning assistance grant and authorized the Township Manager to sign the grant agreement subject to Township Attorney review and to authorize expenditure of up to $17,260 from the Transportation Fund to be part of the matching funds for the grant.

Township Planning Commission Chairperson Jan Culbertson led a team to prepare the planning assistance grant application.

The grant will help the project that is called: Jackson Corridor Complete Streets, Safety Study and Implementation Plan.

The total cost of the plan is estimated to be $50,000. Township officials said the SEMCOG grant is for $40,000 of which SEMCOG provides 81.85 percent or $32,740.

“Scio Township is responsible for a minimum match of $7,260,” the township report said. “However, to close the gap between the grant the total project cost of $50,000, it is proposed that up to $17,260 be authorized from Scio’s Public Transit Fund.”

The team who put this project plan together consisted of Township Manager Joyce Parker, SEMCOG alternate Cathy Jaskiewicz, Project Manager Chris Cheng, Township Clerk Jessica Flintoft, Grant-writer Elizabeth LaPorte, Township Trustee Jillian Kerry and Township Trustee and SEMCOG rep. Kathy Knol.

According to Scio, this project will have four primary components:

  1. Jackson Road Corridor Operational and Safety Study: Gather and analyze traffic counts and projections, accident history, and current signal operations. Identify the safety and operational issues related to the Jackson Road corridor to be addressed in the scope of this project using the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe Systems Approach.
  2. Multi-modal Traffic Study: An analysis and recommendation of the overall connectivity within and from the Jackson Road Corridor. This will include connectivity to adjacent communities and recreational resources, and specifically eliminating or mitigating multi-modal barriers along Jackson Road and across I-94. Using the SEMCOG multi-modal tool, make recommendations for balancing the travel modes within the right-of-way
  3. Identify Key Green Infrastructure Opportunities: Recommendations for quantitative and qualitative storm water management improvements along Jackson Road. This area, within Scio Township, has the highest concentration of impervious surfaces.
  4. Develop an Action Plan: Develop a phased implementation plan for recommended improvements, budget estimate for the first phase, funding strategies, and metrics for success that will establish the framework for improving safety for all users including those driving, walking, or biking through collaboration with local stakeholders and community members, as well as guidance from Federal Highway Administration’s Safe System approach and Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Action Plan Components.

As far as next steps with this, the township board directed the Township’s Transport Bus Advisory Committee (TBAC) to prepare and present an RFP for completion of the grant project for Board of Trustees review and action in time for the Aug. 27 regular meeting.